Zoek woord mày heeft 8 resultaten
VI Vietnamese NL Nederlands
mày (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] jouw (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)]
mày (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] je (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)]
mày (pronoun v n) [singular informal form of "you"] jij (pronoun v n) [singular informal form of "you"]
mày (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)] jullie (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)]
mày (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)] uw (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)]
VI Vietnamese NL Nederlands
mày (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] uw (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)]
mày (pronoun v n) [singular informal form of "you"] gij (pronoun v n) [singular informal form of "you"]
mày (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)] ulle (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)] (pronoun)