Zoek woord penalty heeft 11 resultaten
NL Nederlands EN Engels
penalty [sport] {m} penalty [sport]
penalty [sport - voetbal] {m} penalty [sport - voetbal]
penalty [sport - voetbal] {m} penalty kick [sport - voetbal]
penalty [sport - voetbal] {m} penalty shot [sport - voetbal]
NL Synoniemen voor penalty EN Vertalingen
strafschop [penalty] m rzut karny
EN Engels NL Nederlands
penalty (n) [punishment] boete (n) {m} [punishment]
penalty (n) [punishment] geldstraf (n) {m} [punishment]
penalty (n) [punishment] geldboete (n) {m} [punishment]
penalty (n) [sports - soccer] strafschop (n) {m} [sports - soccer]
penalty (n) [sports] penalty (n) {m} [sports]
penalty (n) [sports - soccer] penalty (n) {m} [sports - soccer]
penalty (n) [punishment] straf (n) {m} [punishment]

Engels Nederlands vertalingen

EN Synoniemen voor penalty NL Vertalingen
retribution [matter] (formal vendetta {f}
chastisement [matter] castigo {m}
desert [matter] desertico
condemnation [proof of guilt] dichiarazione di colpevolezza {f}
blame [proof of guilt] rimprovero {m}
sentence [proof of guilt] condanna {f}
conviction [proof of guilt] convinzione {f}
atonement [repentance] espiatorio
expiation [repentance] espiatorio
contrition [repentance] pentimento {m}
restitution [repentance] restituzione {f}
amends [repentance] ammenda {f}
penance [repentance] penitenza {f}
damage [cost] avaria {f}
punishment [cost] pena {f}
fine [cost] bene {m}
correction [punishment] correzione {f}
scourge [punishment] frusta {f}
flogging [punishment] fustigazione {f}