trimmen | jog |
Trimmis | Trimmis |
Trimport | Trimport |
Trimstein | Trimstein |
Trimurti | Trimurti |
Trimvest | Buoyancy compensator |
Trin | Trin |
Trinacria | Trinacria |
Trinacrie | Trinacria |
Trincomalee | Trincomalee |
Trinculo | Trinculo |
Tring | Tring |
Trinidad | Trinity |
Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation | Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation |
Trinidad en Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago |
Trinidad en Tobago dollar | Trinidad and Tobago dollar |
Trinitariërs | Trinitarian Order |
Trinitatis | Trinity Sunday |
Trinitiet | Trinitite |
Trinity | Trinity test |
Trinità dei Monti | Trinità dei Monti |
Trinley Thaye Dorje | Trinley Thaye Dorje |
Trinomen | Trinomen |
Trinwillershagen | Trinwillershagen |
trio | triumvirate |
Trioemf-Palas | Triumph-Palace |
triomf | triumph |
triomf- | triumphal |
triomfant | triumphant |
triomfboog | triumphal arch |
triomferen | triumph |
triomflied | paean |
triomfwagen | chariot |
Trionychoidea | Trionychoidea |
triool | triplet |
trip | excursion |
Tripelennamine | Tripelennamine |
Triple Alliantie | Triple Alliance |
Triple Entente | Triple Entente |
Triple H | Triple H |
Triple junction | Triple junction |
Triple test | Triple test |
Triple X-syndroom | Triple X syndrome |
triplex | plywood |
Tripoli | Tripoli |
Tripolis | Tripoly |
trippelen | pad |
Trippstadt | Trippstadt |
TRIPs | Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights |
triptiek | triptych |