Nederlands Engels
theodoliet theodolite
Theodoor de Bry Theodor de Bry
Theodoor Hendrik van de Velde Theodoor Hendrik van de Velde
Theodoor I van Monferrato Theodore I of Montferrat
Theodoor II van Monferrato Theodore II of Montferrat
Theodor Fontane Theodor Fontane
Theodor Herzl Theodor Herzl
Theodor Heuss Theodor Heuss
Theodor Mommsen Theodor Mommsen
Theodor Morell Theodor Morell
Theodor Rosetti Theodor Rosetti
Theodor Schwann Theodor Schwann
Theodor Storm Theodor Storm
Theodor Svedberg Theodor Svedberg
Theodor-Heuss-Platz Theodor-Heuss-Platz
Theodora Theodora
Theodora I Theodora
Theodora II Theodora
Theodora Megale Komnene Theodora of Trebizond
Theodora van Griekenland en Denemarken Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark
Theodore Dalrymple Anthony Daniels
Theodore Kaczynski Theodore Kaczynski
Theodore Maiman Theodore Harold Maiman
Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Sturgeon Theodore Sturgeon
Theodore T-Bag Bagwell Theodore T-Bag Bagwell
Theodore William Richards Theodore William Richards
Theodoretus van Cyrrhus Theodoret
Theodorik Theodoric
Theodorik de Grote Theodoric the Great
Theodorik de Oudere Theodoric Strabo
Theodorik II Theodoric II
Theodoros I Laskaris Theodore I Laskaris
Theodoros II Laskaris Theodore II Laskaris
Theodoros Pangalos Theodoros Pangalos
Theodoros Zagorakis Theodoros Zagorakis
Theodorus Theodore
Theodorus Beza Theodore Beza
Theodorus II van Ethiopië Tewodros II of Ethiopia
Theodorus van Cyrene Theodorus of Cyrene
Theodorus van Tarsus Theodore of Tarsus
Theodosius Theodosius
Theodosius Dobzhansky Theodosius Dobzhansky
Theodosius I Theodosius I
Theodosius II Theodosius II
Theodosius III Theodosios III
Theodulf Theodulf of Orléans
theofanie theophany
Theofanis Gekas Theofanis Gekas
Theognis Theognis of Megara
theologe theologian
theologie theology
theologisch theological
theoloog theologian
TheOpenCD OpenCD
Theophanis Strelitzas Theophanes the Cretan
Theophano Theophano
Theophanu Theophanu
Theophilos Theophilos
Theophilus Theophilus
Theophilus ben Ananus Theophilus ben Ananus
Theophilus van Byzantium Theophilos
Theophrastaceae Theophrastaceae
Theophrastus Theophrastus
Theopompus Theopompus
theorema theorem
theoreticus theorist
theoretisch theoretical
Theoretische chemie Theoretical chemistry
Theoretische informatica Theoretical computer science
theoretiseren theorize
theorie theory
theorie der vergelijkingen theory of equations
Theorie van alles Unified field theory
Theorie van warmtevloeistof Caloric theory
Theorieën over de moord op president Kennedy Kennedy assassination theories
Theory of constraints Theory of Constraints
theosofie theosophy
theosofisch theosophic
Theosofisch Genootschap Pasadena Theosophical Society Pasadena
Theosofisch Genootschap Point Loma-Covina Theosophical Society Point Loma-Covina
Theosofische Vereniging Theosophical Society
Theotokos Theotokos
Thera Santorini
Theramenes Theramenes
therapeut therapist
Therapeutae Therapeutae
therapeute therapist
therapeutiek therapeutics
therapeutisch therapeutic
Therapeutische breedte Therapeutic index
therapie therapy
Therapsida Therapsida