Nederlands Engels
modeontwerpster couturier
moderator moderator
modern contemporary
Modern Grieks Modern Greek
Modern satanisme LaVeyan Satanism
Modern Talking Modern Talking
Modern-orthodox jodendom Modern Orthodox Judaism
Moderna Museet Moderna Museet
Moderne devotie Devotio Moderna
Moderne kunst Modern art
Moderne Portefeuille Theorie Modern portfolio theory
Moderne synthese Modern evolutionary synthesis
Moderne vijfkamp Modern pentathlon
Moderne vijfkamp op de Olympische Zomerspelen Modern pentathlon at the Summer Olympics
moderniseren update
modernisering modernization
modernisme modernism
moderniteit modernity
modeshow fashion show
modesnufje novelty
modest modest
Modest Moessorgski Modest Mussorgsky
Modest Tsjaikovski Modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Modesto Omiste Modesto Omiste Province
modeverschijnsel fad
Modibo Keïta Modibo Keïta
Modica Modica
modieus fashionable
modificatie adaptation
modificeren modify
MODIS Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
modiste modiste
Modra Modra
Modrý Kameň Modrý Kameň
modulair modular
Modulair rekenen Modular arithmetic
Modular Audio Recognition Framework Modular Audio Recognition Framework
modulator modulator
module module
Module-muziek Module file
modulus absolute value
Modum Modum
modus fashion
modus operandi modus operandi
Modus ponens Modus ponens
Modus tollens Modus tollens
modus vivendi modus vivendi
moe mom
Moe Szyslak Moe Szyslak
moe worden tire
moe zijn be sick of
moed courage