Nederlands Engels
dossier file
Dosso Dossi Dosso Dossi
Dost Mohammed Dost Mohammad Khan
Dostyq Druzhba pipeline
dot lump
dot-matrix printer dot-matrix printer
dotering doping
DotNetNuke DotNetNuke
dotterbloem march-marigold
Dotternhausen Dotternhausen
Dottikon Dottikon
Dotzigen Dotzigen
douairière dowager
Douala Douala
douane customs
douaneheffing tax
douanekantoor customs
douanerechten customs
douanier customs officer
Double action Platinum
Double Dragon Double Dragon
Double Gloucester Gloucester cheese
Double hashing Double hashing
Double push Double push
Double The Trouble Double the Trouble
doubleren double
doublure understudy
Doubs Doubs
douche shower
douchegordijn shower curtain
douchehokje showerstall
douchekop showerhead
douchen shower
Dougalls stern Roseate Tern
doughnut doughnut
Douglas Adams Douglas Adams
Douglas Aircraft Company Douglas Aircraft Company
Douglas Engelbart Douglas Engelbart
Douglas Fairbanks Douglas Fairbanks
Douglas Hartree Douglas Hartree
Douglas Hofstadter Douglas Hofstadter
Douglas MacArthur Douglas MacArthur
Douglas SBD Dauntless SBD Dauntless
Douglas Sequeira Douglas Sequeira
Doukala-Abda Doukkala-Abda
Doundoun Dunun
Doupovské hory Doupovské hory
Dourados Dourados
Dourdan Dourdan
Dourges Dourges
Douris Douris
Douro Douro
Douville-en-Auge Douville-en-Auge
Douvres-la-Délivrande Douvres-la-Délivrande
Douvrin Douvrin
Douwd The Survivors
Douwe Dabbert Douwe Dabbert
Douwe Flinx Samuel Vimes
douwen thrust
Dov Elkabas The Prophet
dove deaf
Dove varanen Lanthanotidae
dovekool charcoal
doven stub out
doven- Deaf
Dovencultuur Deaf culture
dovenetel dead nettle
Dover Dover
Dover Base Housing Dover Air Force Base
Dow Chemical Dow Chemical Company
Dow Jones Industrial Average Dow Jones Industrial Average
Dowa Dowa District
Dowaai Douai
down down
Down In Albion Down in Albion
Down to the Sea in Ships Down to the Sea in Ships
down zijn be in low spirits
Downing Street Downing Street
Downing Street memo Downing Street memo
download download
downloaden download
downsyndroom Down syndrome
Downtown Disney Downtown Disney
Doxa Katokopia Doxa Katokopia
doxastisch doxastic
doxologie doxology
dozijn dozen