Zoek woord ... तक heeft 4 resultaten
HI Hindi NL Nederlands
... तक (prep) [against, next to, near, towards] (prep conj) naar (prep) [against, next to, near, towards]
... तक (prep conj) [up to the time of] (prep conj) tot (prep conj) [up to the time of]
... तक (prep) [against, next to, near, towards] (prep conj) tot aan (prep) [against, next to, near, towards]
... तक (prep conj) [up to the time of] (prep conj) totdat (prep conj) [up to the time of]

HI NL Vertalingen voor तक

तक (prep adv adj n) [not later than] (... tak) tegen (prep adv adj n) [not later than]