Nederlands Engels
traceren trace
Traceroute Traceroute
trachea windpipe
trachee trachea
Trachemys decorata Haitian Slider
Trachemys scripta Red-eared slider
Trachemys stejnegeri Central Antillean Slider
Tracheomalacie Tracheomalacia
Trachiniae The Trachiniae
Trachis Trachis
Trachonitis Trachonitis
trachoom trachoma
Trachselwald Trachselwald
trachten aim
trachten te try to
trachten te bereiken pursue
trachten te evenaren emulate
trachten te overhalen urge
trachten te vinden try to locate
trachtend conative
Trachurus murphyi Carangidae
Trachycarpus Trachycarpus
Traci Lords Traci Lords
Tracking shot Dolly shot
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
tractie traction
tractor tractor
Tractor Pulling Tractor pulling
Tractuur Tracker action
Tracy Austin Tracy Austin
Tracy Chapman Tracy Chapman
Tracy di Vicenzo Tracy Bond
tracé course
Trade Air Trade Air
Trade Federation Trade Federation
Tradescantia Tradescantia
traditie tradition
Traditie in de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk Sacred Tradition
traditionalisme traditionalism
Traditionalistische school Traditionalist School
traditioneel standard
Traditioneel Chinees Traditional Chinese character
Traditioneel kledingstuk Traditional garment
Traditioneel satanisme Theistic Satanism
Traditionele animatie Traditional animation
traditionele Chinees Traditional Chinese
Traditionele Chinese godsdienst Chinese folk religion
Traditionele Chinese opvatting over de oudste Chinese geschiedenis Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors
Traditionele graafschappen van Engeland Historic counties of England
traditionele kennis lore
Trafalgar Trafalgar
Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square
Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System Traffic Collision Avoidance System
Trafigura beheer Trafigura
trafikant trafficker
trafikante trafficker
Trafo Transformer
trage schuit tub
tragedie tragedy
Tragedie van de meent Tragedy of the commons
Tragger Hippy Trigger Happy TV
tragikomedie tragicomedy
tragikomisch seriocomic