Nederlands Engels
Polycondensatie Step-growth polymerization
Polycrates Polycrates
Polycysteus-ovariumsyndroom Polycystic ovary syndrome
Polydektes Polydectes
Polydeuces Polydeuces
Polydimethylsiloxaan Polydimethylsiloxane
Polydispersiteit Polydispersity index
Polydor Polydor Records
Polydora Polydora
Polydorus Polydorus
polyester polyester
Polyetheentereftalaat Polyethylene terephthalate
polyethyleen polythene
Polyethyleenglycol Polyethylene glycol
Polyfenol Polyphenol
polyfonie polyphony
Polyfyletisch Polyphyly
polygaam polygamous
polygame man polygamist
polygamie polygamy
Polyglot List of polyglots
polyglottisch multilingual
Polygnotus Polygnotus
Polygonales Polygonales
polygoon polygon
Polygyros Polygyros
Polyhedron Polyhedron
Polyhydramnion Polyhydramnios
Polyhymnia Polyhymnia
Polyidus Polyeidos
Polykleitos de Jongere Polykleitos the Younger
Polykleitos de Oudere Polykleitos
polymeer polymer
Polymeerchemie Polymer chemistry
Polymerase-kettingreactie Polymerase chain reaction
polymorf polymorphous
Polynesisch Polynesian
Polynesische Polynesian woman
Polynesische rat Polynesian Rat
Polynesië Polynesia
Polynesiër Polynesian
Polynices Polynices
Polyol Sugar alcohol
Polyomino Polyomino
Polyp Octopus
Polyperchon Polyperchon
Polyphaga Polyphaga
Polyphemos Polyphemus
Polyporales Polyporales
Polyposis nasi Nasal polyp
Polyptiek Polyptych
Polyritmiek Polyrhythm
Polysoom Polyribosome
polystyreen polystyrene
polysyllabisch polysyllabic
polysyllabisch woord polysyllable
polytechnische school polytechnic
polytheïsme polytheism
polytheïstisch polytheistic
Polyurea Polyurea
polyurethaan polyurethane
Polyvinylalcohol Polyvinyl alcohol
Polyvinylbutyral Polyvinyl butyral