Nederlands Engels
opera- operatic
Operabal Vienna Opera Ball
operabel operable
Operación Puerto Operación Puerto doping case
Operación Triunfo Operación Triunfo
Operagebouw Opera
Operagebouw van Kopenhagen Copenhagen Opera House
operatekst booklet
operateur projectionist
operatie activity
Operatie Amherst Operation Amherst
Operatie Anthropoid Operation Anthropoid
Operatie Auca Operation Auca
Operatie Barbarossa Operation Barbarossa
Operatie Battleaxe Operation Crusader
Operatie Bluecoat Operation Bluecoat
Operatie Brevity Operation Brevity
Operatie Chastise Operation Chastise
Operatie Chicago Mission Chicago
Operatie Cobra Operation Cobra
Operatie Condor Operation Condor
Operatie Crusader Operation Crusader
Operatie Dagen van Boetedoening Operation Days of Penitence
Operatie Desert Fox Bombing of Iraq
Operatie Detroit Mission Detroit
Operatie Dragoon Operation Dragoon
Operatie Dynamo Operation Dynamo
Operatie Fall Blau Case Blue
Operatie Fall Gelb Battle of France
Operatie Fall Grün Fall Grün
Operatie Fall Rot Operation Fall Rot
Operatie Fall Weiss Fall Weiß
Operatie Fortitude Operation Fortitude
Operatie Freshman Norwegian heavy water sabotage
Operatie Gladio Operation Gladio
Operatie Greif Operation Greif
Operatie Herbstreise Operation Herbstreise
Operatie Herfstwolken Operation Autumn Clouds
Operatie Himmler Gleiwitz incident
Operatie Just Cause United States invasion of Panama
Operatie Lüttich Operation Lüttich
Operatie Market Garden Operation Market Garden
Operatie Mobilisatie Operation Mobilisation
Operatie Paukenschlag Second Happy Time
Operatie Plunder Operation Plunder
Operatie Pluto Operation Pluto
Operatie Polarfuchs Operation Arctic Fox
Operatie Seelöwe Operation Sealion
Operatie Sledgehammer Operation Sledgehammer
Operatie Storm Operation Storm
Operatie Toorts Operation Torch
Operatie Typhoon Battle of Moscow
Operatie Uranus Operation Uranus
Operatie Walküre Operation Walküre
Operatie Weserübung Operation Weserübung
operatiekoorts surgical fever
Operation Ivy Operation Ivy
Operation Paget Operation Paget
Operation Southern Watch Maritime Interdiction Operations
operationeel operational
Operations management Operations management
Operator-overloading Operator overloading
Operatorentheorie Operator theory
operatrice projectionist
Operaïsme Workerism
Operculum Gill-cover
opereerbaar operable
opereren operate
operette operetta
Opet-festival Opet Festival
opeten finish
Opfenbach Opfenbach
Opfertshofen Opfertshofen
Opfikon Opfikon