Nederlands Engels
en-teken ampersand
enantiomeer enantiomer
Enargiet Enargite
Encefalisatie-quotiënt Brain to body mass ratio
encefalitis encephalitis
encefalopathie encephalopathy
Enceladus Enceladus
enclave enclave
Enclos Paroissial Enclos Paroissial
Encomienda Encomienda
encore encore
encrypteren encrypt
encycliek encyclical
Encyclopedia Galactica Encyclopedia Galactica
Encyclopedia of Life Encyclopedia of Life
encyclopedie encyclopaedia
encyclopedisch encyclopaedic
Encyclopedist French Encyclopédistes
Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica
Encyclopédie Encyclopédie
End of an Era End of an Era
End of Days End of Days
endeldarm rectum
endemisch native
Endemisme Endemism
Endianness Endianness
Endingen am Kaiserstuhl Endingen
Endocrien systeem Endocrine system
endocriene klier endocrine
Endoeus Endoeus
endogamie endogamy
Endomembraansysteem Endomembrane system
Endopterygota Endopterygota
Endor Forest moon of Endor
Endorotatie External rotation
Endoscopische retrograde cholangiopancreatografie Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
endossant endorser
endossante endorser
endossement endorsement
endosseren endorse
endosymbiontenhypothese endosymbiotic theory
Endotheline Endothelin
endovasculair endovascular
Endromidae Endromidae
Endschütz Endschütz
Enduro Enduro
Endymion Endymion
Ene Ring One Ring
Enebakk Enebakk
ENECO Tour Eneco Tour of Benelux
Enemy at the Gates Enemy at the Gates
Energetica Energy
energie energy
Energie Cottbus FC Energie Cottbus