Nederlands Engels
Chinees teken Chinese character
Chinees voetbalelftal China national football team
Chinees-Vietnamese Oorlog Sino-Vietnamese War
Chinese Chinese
Chinese achternaam Chinese surname
Chinese alligator Chinese Alligator
Chinese astrologie Chinese astrology
Chinese balletjes Ben Wa balls
Chinese blauweregen Wisteria sinensis
Chinese Burgeroorlog Chinese Civil War
Chinese cijfers Chinese numerals
Chinese cultuur Culture of China
Chinese danio White Cloud Mountain minnow
Chinese draak Chinese dragon
Chinese driekielschildpad Chinese Pond Turtle
Chinese drieklauw Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle
Chinese dwerghamster Chinese hamster
Chinese dwergkwartel Asian Blue Quail
Chinese dynastie Timeline of Chinese history
Chinese Football Association Super League Chinese Super League
Chinese gekuifde naakthond Chinese Crested Dog
Chinese historiografie Chinese historiography
Chinese kalender Chinese calendar
Chinese kamer Chinese room
Chinese Katholieke Patriottische Vereniging Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association
Chinese keuken Chinese cuisine
Chinese krokodilstaarthagedis Chinese Crocodile Lizard
Chinese Muur Great Wall of China
Chinese muziek Music of China
Chinese mythologie Chinese mythology
Chinese namen Chinese name
Chinese opera Chinese opera
Chinese postbodeprobleem Route inspection problem
Chinese radijs daikon
Chinese roos Chinese hibiscus
Chinese spreekwoorden Chinese proverbs
Chinese taal Chinese
Chinese talen Chinese language
Chinese tijger Indochinese Tiger
Chinese tuin Chinese garden
Chinese vernisboom Koelreuteria paniculata
Chinese wateragame Chinese water dragon
Chinese waterkastanje Eleocharis dulcis
Chinese wijk Chinatown
Chinese witte dolfijn Chinese White Dolphin
Chinese wolhandkrab Chinese mitten crab
Chinezen Chinese
Ching Siu-Tung Ching Siu-tung
Chinggis Khaan International Airport Chinggis Khaan International Airport
Chinijo Chinijo Archipelago
Chinoiserie Monkey trick
Chinolinegeel Quinoline Yellow WS
Chinteni Chinteni
Chintila Chintila
chintz chintz
Chinua Achebe Chinua Achebe
Chiomonte Chiomonte
Chios Chios
chip chip
Chipknip Stored-value card
chipolata chipolata
Chippendale Chippendale
Chippewa County Chippewa County
Chippis Chippis
chips chips
Chiptuning Chip tuning
Chiquimula Chiquimula
Chiquitos Chiquitos Province
Chiraal centrum Stereocenter
chiraliteit chirality
Chirchiq Chirchiq
Chiriquí Chiriquí Province
chiromantie palmistry
Chiron Chiron
Chironico Chironico
chiropodie chiropody
chiropodist chiropodist