Nederlands Engels
Cenomani Cenomani
Cenomanien Cenomanian
Cenon Cenon
cenotaaf cenotaph
Cenozoïcum Cenozoic
Censier - Daubenton Censier - Daubenton
censor censor
censureren censor
Census-designated place Census-designated place
censuur censorship
cent cent
centaur centaur
Centaur-planetoïden Centaur
Centaurea Centaurea
Centaurie Centaurea
centavo centavo
Centelles Centelles
centen bread
Centenkliever Arab
CenterICQ Centericq
Centerpons Punch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centesimus Annus Centesimus Annus
Centiare Metre
centimeter centimeter
Centimorgan Recombination frequency
centraal pivotal
Centraal Amerika Central America
Centraal Comité van de Communistische Partij van de Sovjet-Unie Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Centraal Federaal District Central Federal District
Centraal Macedonië Central Macedonia
Centraal Massief Massif Central
Centraal Planbureau Central Planning Bureau
Centraal Station Union station
Centraal Suriname Natuurreservaat Central Suriname Nature Reserve
Centraal wonen Cohousing
Centraal zenuwstelsel Central nervous system
Centraal-Afrika Central Africa
Centraal-Afrikaans Keizerrijk Central African Empire
Centraal-Afrikaans voetbalelftal Central African Republic national football team
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek Central African Republic
Centraal-Amerika Central America
Centraal-Aziatische owcharka Central Asian Shepherd Dog
Centraal-Azië Central Asia
Centraal-Bosnië Central Bosnia Canton
Centraal-Celebes Central Sulawesi
Centraal-Europa Europe
Centraal-Finland Central Finland
Centraal-Griekenland Central Greece
Centraal-Malayo-Polynesische talen Central Malayo-Polynesian languages
Centraal-Thailand Central Thailand
Centraal-Österbotten Central Ostrobothnia
Centraalsluiter Central shutter
Central Power station
Central Coast Mariners Central Coast Mariners FC
Central Darling Shire Council Central Darling Shire Council
Central Español Central Español
Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency
Central Japan Railway Company Central Japan Railway Company
Central Line Central line
Central Luzon Central Luzon
Central Park Central Park
Central Radio and TV Tower Central TV Tower
Central Securities Depository Central Securities Depository
Central Valley Central Valley
Central Visayas Central Visayas
centrale exchange
Centrale Alpen Central Eastern Alps
Centrale bank Central bank
Centrale economische regio Central economic region
centrale figuur pivot
Centrale Markt in Phnom-Penh Phsar Thom Thmei
Centrale mogendheid Central Powers
Centrale snijtand Mandibular central incisor
centrale verwarming central heating
centrale verwerkingseenheid central processing unit
centrale zenuwstelsel central nervous system
Centrale-plaatsentheorie Central place theory
centralisatie centralization
centraliseren centralize
Centre des Nouvelles Industries et Technologies Center of New Industries and Technologies
Centre démocrate Humaniste Humanist Democratic Centre
Centre Georges Pompidou Centre Georges Pompidou
Centre National des Indépendants et Paysans National Centre of Independents and Peasants
Centre of Liaison and Information of Masonic Powers Signatories of Strasbourg Appeal CLIPSAS
Centre-Avia Airlines Centre-Avia
centrifugaal centrifugal
Centrifugaalregelaar Centrifugal governor
centrifuge spin-dryer