Nederlands Engels
Anted Antedios
antedateren antedate
antediluviaans antediluvian
Antef I Intef I
Antef II Intef II
Antef III Intef III
Antef VII Antef VII
Anteia Stheneboea
Antelope Canyon Antelope Canyon
Antennaria Antennaria
antenne antenna
Antennebaarsje Ram cichlid
Antenor Antenor
Anteosaurus Anteosaurus
Anteros Anteros
Antey-Saint-André Antey-Saint-André
Anthem Anthem
Anthemius van Rome Anthemius
Anthemountas Anthemountas
Anthems of Rebellion Anthems of Rebellion
Antheraea polyphemus Antheraea polyphemus
Anthiinae Anthiinae
Anthocyaan Anthocyanin
Anthofylliet Anthophyllite
Anthologia Graeca Greek Anthology
Anthologia Palatina Greek Anthology
anthologie anthology
Anthonie Mor Antonis Mor
Anthonie van Noordt Anthonie van Noordt
Anthony Adverse Anthony Adverse
Anthony Burgess Anthony Burgess
Anthony Caro Anthony Caro
Anthony Davidson Anthony Davidson
Anthony Eden Anthony Eden
Anthony Fokker Anthony Fokker
Anthony Giddens Anthony Giddens
Anthony Hamilton Anthony Hamilton
Anthony Hopkins Anthony Hopkins
Anthony Kiedis Anthony Kiedis
Anthony McAuliffe Anthony McAuliffe
Anthony Miles Tony Miles
Anthony Perkins Anthony Perkins
Anthony Quinn Anthony Quinn
Anthony Sawoniuk Anthony Sawoniuk
Anthony Stafford Beer Anthony Stafford Beer
Anthony Trollope Anthony Trollope
Anthony Yeboah Tony Yeboah
Anthony Šerić Anthony Šerić
Anthousa Anthousa
anthozoa anthozoans
Anthraconiet Anthraconite
Anthurium Anthurium
anti opponent
anti- anti-
Anti-Arabisme Anti-Arabism
Anti-Atlas Anti-Atlas
Anti-Balkan Sredna Gora
anti-diefstal- antitheft
Anti-Fascistische Aktie Anti-Fascist Action
Anti-Frans Francophobe
Anti-Frans persoon Francophobe
Anti-intellectualisme Anti-intellectualism
Anti-kernenergiebeweging Anti-nuclear movement
anti-kernwapen antinuclear
Anti-Kominternpact Anti-Comintern Pact
Anti-Libanon Anti-Lebanon
anti-nucleair antinuclear
anti-onderzeeër- antisubmarine
Anti-papisme Anti-Catholicism
Anti-Revolutionaire Partij Anti Revolutionary Party
Anti-scheepsraket Anti-ship missile
anti-slavernijbeweging abolitionism
Anti-sociale gedragsstoornis Conduct disorder
Anti-sociale persoonlijkheidsstoornis Antisocial personality disorder
anti-transpiratiemiddel antiperspirant